Issue > Poetry
Jayne Marek

Jayne Marek

Jayne Marek has published poetry and art photos in Women's Studies Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Amsterdam Quarterly, 3Elements, Sliver of Stone, Sin Fronteras, Spillway, Camas, New Mexico Review, and elsewhere. She has a new full-length poetry book, In and Out of Tough Water (2017), with a second book slated for late 2017. She is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee.


I traveled back to pink sky

when I knelt amid unbelieving
rabbits, starved, in gardens without drink.

Rabbits' eyes shone, angry with the gods
who made this hillside, scraped it

down, then built pink streets,

pink bricks, stucco with its trowel marks,
walls lining the unclosed burrow of my heart.

Spilled wine the color of cobblestones fallen
from those mountains. Everything

dried, accepted this punishment. I went back,
touched hot ironwork twisted like eyelashes

against sand in the wind. Against
the red eye, high overhead,

the mind of the other.


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