Issue > Poetry
Ellen Devlin

Ellen Devlin

Ellen Devlin has studied poetry at Bread Loaf Writers Conference, The Hudson Valley Writer's Center and the Sarah Lawrence Writing Institute. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Ekphrasis, A Poetry Journal, Helix, Lime Hawk, New Ohio Review, Poet Lore, Redactions: Poetry Poetics and Prose, The Cortland Review, The Lost River Review, The Sow's Ear and Women's Studies Quarterly Review.


I think I will stop looking in wells or sewers,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      drainpipes or anything made to wall or divert

fences, too, and double-locked doors, all                                                                                                               are welcome to their own ways, I am tired                                                                                                                        

of turning over honey jars pounding them                                                                                                                                                                                     
with greed and desire,  

No more trying to wring water from ice-stiff dishrags
in kitchens with mice in cold cupboards.

I think I will just sit here silent, by the open door,
see what comes in, seems unlikely though.


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