Issue > Editor's Note
Charging Horses
Acrylic, 73" x 54"
by Tayo Olayode

Editor's Note

Issue 80, August, 2018
Editor's Note

Look long at "Charging Horses," our Issue 80 cover art by Tayo Olayode, one of Nigeria's most exciting experimental artists. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Tayo's distinct technique, triogoline--a combination of water color with acrylic to create transparent lines and overlapping forms--sets him apart as an artist who spans the worlds of abstract realist and surrealist expression. You can explore more of Tayo's work online.

Olayode sets the right tone for an emerging new energy at The Cortland Review. I am honored to have worked alongside founder and editor emeritus, Guy Shahar, these last 21 years and to have been part of TCR's incredible journey, and I am, now, especially excited to hand this work to Christian Gullette and Eric Berlin who have already contributed, for years now, to what we've become with their own energy, talent and dedication. Expect them to keep TCR at the top of the list of respected online journals, the one you want to read and the one you want representing your poetry.

Speaking of poetry, 21 gifted poets grace our Issue 80 pages with their work. Click on any of our poetry pods to find poems by Kelli Russell Agodon, Heather Altfeld, Derrick Austin, Sam S. Barbee, Michael Carman, Adam Chiles, Matthew Carter Gellman, Stephen Harvey, Holly Karapetkova, Stephen Knauth, Sara London, Maren O. Mitchell, Susan Musgrave, D. Nurkse, Alison Palmer, Doug Ramspeck, Mitchell Andrew David Untch, Joshua Weiner, Jennifer Wheelock and Ken White and Emily Paige Wilson.

Indulge me the minute it will take to pass along some serious love and gratitude to those amazing colleagues (now friends) who have worked beside me--several of them for 15+ years--and who will continue to publish the best of the best poetry being written today. Thank you, Guy Shahar, Christian Gullette, Jennifer Wallace, Anna Catone, Elizabeth Cornell, Amy MacLennan, Eric Berlin, David Moody, Dallas Lee, Rick Tracy and our two contributing editors, David Rigsbee and Chard deNiord, and from our very beginnings, Renee Bandazian, Julie Larios, Greg Nicholl and Jim Lewis.

Ginger Murchison


Sam S Barbee

Sam S Barbee


Susan Musgrave

Susan Musgrave
The Way The Stubborn Land Goes Soft Before The Sea


Emily Paige Wilson

Emily Paige Wilson
Hypochondria, Least Powerful Of The Greek Gods (iii)