Issue > Poetry
Adam Chiles

Adam Chiles

Adam Chiles first collection of poems, Evening Land, was nominated for the 2009 Gerald Lampert Memorial award. His work has been anthologized in Best New Poets 2007 (Samovar) and has appeared in Barrow Street, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cimarron Review, Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, the Literary Review, Magma, Other Poetry, Permafrost, RHINO and Thrush Poetry Review. He is professor of English and Creative Writing at Northern Virginia Community College.

Elegy with a Lark Ascending

If there is a theme here, let it be this:
William's Lark Ascending, my father
asleep now as the heat settles over
his slippers, over the stilled acre
of his dreaming, his books initialing
the unlit passage home. Let it be
the chapel bell, its iron another detail
inside the machinery of silence.
Let it be my mother humming above
the vegetables, stove-blushed, stirring
the liver in, her spoon a tiny engine
inside this poem, turning over root
and organ. Let it be this soundtrack
of pearl thrumming at the glass,
the hour's loosening hand upon them.
The gardens abandoned tonight,
each one, solitary, agitated, prone.


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