Issue > Poetry
Elizabeth Zuba

Elizabeth Zuba

Elizabeth Zuba is the editor of Not Nothing: Selected Writings by Ray Johnson 1954-1994 (Siglio Press, 2014) and an anthology of contemporary U.S. poetry La Familia Americana (Cosmopoetica Madrid, 2010). She has recently translated Marcel Broodthaers’s Pense-Bete (Granary Books, 2015) and 10,000 Francs Reward (Printed Matter, 2015); and is currently working on a selection of Broodthaers's poetry and projections for his estate. Elizabeth is the author of May Double as a Whistle (The Song Cave, 2015) and Ray Johnson’s Art World (Feigen Gallery, 2014).

Hard To Say

Hard to say which part of the bird is the tree and which part are the feathers in your eye from here...

Not the history in the bird, but all the people.  

The people of the blur are not the blur but they are what we wave.  They are what we wave!  See their faces?


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