Issue > Poetry
Vivian Teter

Vivian Teter

Vivian Teter's full-length poetry collection Breath Enough is forthcoming in 2015 from Wolf Ridge Press of San Francisco. Her chapbook Translating a Bridge was published in 2007 by Toadlily Press of Chappaqua, New York in its Quartet Series Edge by Edge. She teaches at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia.


We knew the odds,
thin and flimsy as a single
honeybee wing, that chance
at shrinkage.  And even then        
any bargain wouldn't keep:                                                        
there would be sudden flight                                        
into glass.  

But dazzling between
in spring air lit with petals
we laughed as we fit our lips
to the small heaven
in a shared cone of ice cream,                  
that afternoon all the films shone
a calm and cloudless sky.


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