Feature > Poetry
Duy Doan

Duy Doan

Duy Doan’s work has appeared in Amethyst Arsenic and Slate. He is a Kundiman fellow and has received awards from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the Robert Pinsky Global Fellowships. He holds an M.F.A. from Boston University and works as Programs Director of the Favorite Poem Project.

Old World Weasel

Lady with an Ermine, the Leonardo
found with a boot mark in the cellar
of a Polish noble's country estate.

Apparently there was a Raphael alongside.
It's the hope of scholars that the missing painting
will resurface one day, maybe
having survived the underworld
where it was used as currency.

Imagine Zidane in the basement of the Louvre,
his goal in the Champions League Final
at Hampden Park. Or Messi's header
against United in Rome, when he lost his right shoe.

Tapestry of the Apostolic Palace.
The fire outside the opera house in Berlin.


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