Issue > Poetry
Ken Holland

Ken Holland

Ken Holland, a Pushcart Prize nominee, has had work published in several dozen literary journals including Rattle, Confrontation and Southwest Review. He has poetry in the current issue of Poetry East, with forthcoming publication in Naugatuck River Review and inclusion in an anthology from the Paulinskill Poetry Project. He works for a publishing house in New York City.

A Night, Like So Many Others

We're losing our grasp on the moon.
It slips each year farther away,
fraction by fraction.

Uncountable centuries from now
I'll look into the maelstrom of heaven
and search in vain for its cold surface among

the blasting suns, a child dressed in the
pale white sheet of the multitudes
that surround it, and I'll sleep that night

as I've slept for an eon or more, enfolded
in the ebb of gravity, clutching at stellar dust,
ill-prepared for the astonishment of awakening.


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