Issue > Poetry
Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson is the author of over thirty books of poetry, aphorisms, translations, interviews, and literary criticism. Recent titles include The Returning Sky (Shearsman Books, 2012), a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Foreigners, Drunks and Babies: Nine Stories (Two Rivers Press, 2013), Like the Living End (Worple Press, 2013) and The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2013).

Like A Railway Station

somewhere, on the edge of landscape
abstracted by deep autumn mist,
a grey-ness in the troubled woods'
threatened ash and remnant elm
as from a local train or platform,
its blur is this slow reminder—
'depending on your nearness,
forgive me, to the grave,' he says.

But I have had that thought already
with the various aches and pains;
and carrying my own inside me,
look out across deserted tracks
past people waiting on connections
to where fields fade in distance.
A voice announces some delays
and the distance takes no notice,

not having that much time for time.


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