Feature > Poetry
Gerry LaFemina

Gerry LaFemina

Gerry LaFemina is the author of 11 books, including this year's Little Heretic (Stephen F. Austin U Press). His book of essays on poetry, Palpable Magic, will come out in early 2015 also from Stephen F. Austin U Press. A noted literary arts activist, he served on the board of directors of the AWP, has edited numerous journals and anthologies and serves as executive director of Poets@Work. An Associate Professor of English at Frostburg State University, he directs the school's Center forCreative Writing._

Waking Up Alone in April

Before the work calls, before the grind of coffee beans,
before the garbage truck growls along this gravel street,

the wind yawns, stretches awake,
blows away last night's dreams.

I'd like to rouse beside her & say
my morning prayer on the mala beads of her knuckles

touching each, not wanting to wake her
but wanting to touch her gently. Outside:

first rabbit in the yard & my cat at the window sill
licking its lips.

Sundae Social

What surprise when the boyfriend strikes his girl
once, across the right cheek, in the ice cream parlor

& what surprise, too, at our response:
so much silence we could hear vanilla custard

melting. This is the story of how love goes &
the story of how much a person can take.

When I finally found my indignation I was—no surprise—
talking at a closed door. I'd been there before.

Minutes later a young kid ordered a chocolate cone
with sprinkles. Said he loved it. Said it was the best thing ever.


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