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Claudia Emerson

Claudia Emerson

Claudia Emerson's four books, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pinion, an Elegy, Late Wife, and Figure Studies, are all from LSU Press. Late Wife won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for poetry. Emerson has been awarded fellowships from the NEA, the Virginia Commission for the Arts, and a Witter Bynner fellowship. She is a Professor of English at the University Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Shot Her Dead

Words and Music by Claudia Emerson and Kent Ippolito.
Performed in their home in Fredericksburg, VA.

Book Review

David Rigsbee reviews
Claudia Emerson's new book
Secure the Shadow


Poets in Person:
Claudia Emerson


Claudia Emerson
5 New Poems